Who We Are

About us

Who We Are

Rev. Felix Prakash and Dr. Edith Prakash, founders of Prakash Ministries, a nonprofit organization seek to reach the most unreached places, meeting both the physical and spiritual needs of the people through various outreaches

A Family Affair

Prakash Ministries is unique in that the members of the ministry all share the same home – they are one family. Following in their mother’s footsteps, they are learning as they grow how serving others and sharing Jesus, is just part of life.

Not only has Prakash Ministries witnessed great blessings in their ministry, but also within their family. Working together in ministry has unified their family, building stronger bonds between the siblings, and also between the children and their parents. Moreover, each child trained and encouraged in how to share the gifts God has given them for the purpose of serving God by serving others. Most importantly, serving together as a family teaches the children that God is the first priority for the family, though circumstances may be difficult at times, with Him first, they are learning to be ready to be available to be used by God when He shows them a need.

The Prakash kids are continuing their parents’ legacy by producing DVD’s together for kids, using the funds to help other kids in third world counties. In fact, the children were even guests on the 700 Club, and assist their parents in ministering around the globe.